“No one can whistle a symphony.
It takes an orchestra to play it.”
By H. E. Luccock

We love what we do
Accoutre was founded in June 2020 by Grace Oyerinde, the Accoutre Chair. We are an education service for children between the ages of 7-16 years of age.
We pride ourselves on delivering a high-quality education supporting our local black African Caribbean children, specialising in authentic Black History, Maths and English. We work from Key Stage 2 right up to Key Stage 4 and follow the GCSE curriculum.
Our service is unique, in that we specifically target young people who would not normally be afforded the opportunity to tap into extra supportive tuition – which is completely FREE of charge!
so we settled on Accoutre…

Leadership and Governance
We feel extremely blessed to have a strong and cohesive governing body, which is made up of professionals in the private and public sector, parents, and representatives from the community.
The governing body meets regularly to discuss and formulate the strategic direction of Accoutre, building on the strengths and experiences of this committee.
As “no man is an island” we believe that partnerships help to make us stronger. We have and are working with organisations from the private and public sector.